Audrey's career has taken many paths, with the common link of service. Her life has taken a few interesting curves, as well. It has been Audrey's pleasure to know, live, and work with many brilliant professionals, who in turn have imparted an awful lot of useful knowledge and information to her. The reason we mention that is that over time those individuals' personalities have certainly "rubbed off" on Audrey. This portrait would not be complete without mentioning them. This page is meant to give a smattering of tidbits from Audrey's life, the parts not evidenced in her résumé.
The rest of this page intends to paint a portrait of Audrey through her own artwork. We have selected pieces through the years to present a sampling. All images are copyright by Audrey N. Glickman. |
"The purpose of life is to serve." - Edward H. Schoyer, Esq. |